Remix This

A remix is the combination of two or more different texts. They can blend together harmoniously or become a complete and utter mess.

Remixes can come in the form of songs, videos and even memes (as I’m sure we all know).

Making a remix is another way of being a content creator. With the amount of technology available today, anyone can remix anything. Anything in the public sphere is open to re-interpretation (remixed) by anyone who has the ability/technology to do it. This is known as remix culture and is considered its own art form. Although, this raises the question is remix culture its own art form or a platform where originality dies?

To demonstrate what a remix can entail, I have decided to turn Caclfier’s iconic “may all your bacon burn” into some sort of weird dubstep mashup. It is a mess, but nonetheless, enjoy!


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Murray, B. (2015). Remixing Culture And Why The Art Of The Mash-Up Matters. [online] TechCrunch. Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017].

Sulla, M. (2014). Remix Culture: Its Own Art Form or the Death of Creativity?. [online] Digital Media & Cyberculture. Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017].